If there's one thing I want women to know it's that they never have to suffer through anything just because other women do.
When I became a new mom, I entered into the world of "this is just what happens now." I was told my sleep, my energy, my mood, my body, my time - would never be the same again.
This wasn't good enough for me, and it's not good enough for you either. (Whether you're a mom or not.)
I couldn't help but think - "Why aren't we talking about all of these things before they happen? Why are women so accepting of feeling like they're at the mercy of their hormone changes?"
So after fixing my own "momsomnia" sleep issues, I became absolutely obsessed with helping women fix their sleep + hormone issues, too.
Why? Because sleep is the foundation of your health. And I want to help you chase your dreams, not exhaustion!
I'm honoured to be a part of Bulletproof Your 40's and celebrate Jordan's birthday by giving YOU the gift of health.
- Dr. L